TMI VESI-VESTERINEN - PUHTAAN VEDEN PUOLESTA - 51 vuotta, 10 kuukautta ja 23 päivää.
Vaa'at Uintimittarit Mittalaitteet ja reagenssit Reagenssit Vesikuntoiluvälineet Vesikuntoiluvälineet Vesikuntoiluvälineet Vaa'at Uintilisätarvikkeet Hiustenkuivaimet Säilytysvälineet Rataköydet ja kelat Ajanottolaiteet Pelit ja harrastusvälineet Uimatarvikkeet


  • Materiaalina:

    • alumiini

    • rst tai hst

    • muovi


    Leikkiväineiden säilytys

    Lötköpötkö söilytys

    Rataköysien kelauslaite

    Ratakösi säilytys

    Lukittava säilytyskaappi uimahalli


  • Pyydä tarkemmat tiedot tietystä mallista tarjouspyyntö lomakkeella.



Säilytys- ja kuljetusvälineet, varustehäkit uimahallitavaroille


Varustehäkki Maxi alum. 430 pyörillä- 1,50x0,62x1,48 m

Extremely stable and elegant design due to special system profiles. Top and bottom, doors, side frames, rear wall, and all inserted trays are supplied as a complete welded structure, whereby a special joint system assures simple assembly.

The crimped aluminium grilles provided around the unit and for the inserted trays ensure optimum water drainage and drying of equipment. Trackless and smooth-running wheels matched to swimming pool requirements allow rapid transport.
Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish

Varustehäkki Maxi mini alum. 125x125x62 cm

It is an advancement being of the same construction as the trolley "MAXI", however, smaller and with 2 inserted trays which are easily adjustable by a special rail system.

Lötköpötköjen / leikkivälineiden säilytys


Comfy III - allastarvikkeiden / lötköpötköjen säilytys

For storing up to 60 Comfy noodles.

Lötköpötkö säilytys - Pystykori - Noodle Storage Trolley

Mitat: 60x40x106 cm

Mitat: 60x40x135 cm

Muut säilytysvälineet, laatikot ja säiltyskaapit


Säilytys pystykaappi- Pientavaroille - Lukittava - Siirrettävä

Dimensions (WxHxD): 120x175x60 cm, Interior dimensions of each layer (WxHxD): 105x46.6x45 cm, Space between bars: 5 cm, 4 plastic swivel castors, 2 with brakes, Padlock not included

Säilytyslaatikko- Pientavaroille - Siirrettävä

Easy to clean, always hygienic. Extremely robust and sturdy. Moveable on four rubber/plastic castors. With two brakes. 120x70x93 cm. Available as open-top version or with a lockable lid

Säilytyskärry- Siirrettävä

Exterior dimensions (WxHxD): 138x100x60 cm. 2x6 bars for hanging. Material: plastic tubing
Space between bars: 70 cm. Rollers: 4 plastic rollers, 2 with brakes

Rataköysien kelausvaunut / säilytys


Rataköysien kelausvaunu Avoin

Stainless steel 316L, center beam powder coated blue for added corrosion protection. 4 swivel castors of which 2 are lockable. Easy to assemble, shipped in 3 boxes. Available in 2 sizes. (pieni 150 m rataköysiä tai / iso 200 m rataköysiä standard)

Rataköysien kelausvaunu Type 1 / Mini 420

Dimensions: Length: 1.78 m, Width: 1.18 m, Height 1.37 m, diameter of reels 1.15 m, space for 3 special lane lines – 150 mm diameter – of 25 m each, 6 special lane lines – 100 mm diameter – of 25 m each or about 12 lane lines of 25 m each with floats

Rataköysien kelausvaunu Type 1 / max 4201

Dimensions: Length: 2.45 m, Width: 1.18 m, Height: 1.50 m, diameter of reels 1.15 m,
space for 6 special lane lines – 150 mm diameter – of 25 m each, 12 special lane lines – 100 mm diameter – of 25 m each or about 24 lane lines of 25 m each with floats

Rataköysien kelausvaunu Type 2 / Max 432

Dimensions: Length: 1.40 m, Width: 1.40 m, Height: 1.35 m, diameter of reels 1.15 m, space for 2 special lane lines – 150 mm diameter – of 25 m each, 4 special lane lines – 100 mm diameter – of 25 m each or about 8 lane lines of 25 m each with floats

Rataköysien kelausvaunu Type 2 /Mini 4321

Dimensions: Length: 0.80 m, Width: 1.40 m, Height: 1.35 m, diameter of reels 1.15 m,
space for 1 special lane line – diameter 150 mm – of 25 m, 2 special lane lines – diameter 100 mm – of 25 m each or about 4 lane lines of 25 m each with floats

Rataköysien kelausvaunu Type 3 /Kelaus 423/424

Technical features: Completely made of stable aluminium profiles. Reels can be put down without damaging the lane lines. Standard equipment: Natural bright aluminium finish.
approx. Length: 0.80 m, Width: 1.30 m, Height: 1.17 m, reel diameter approx. 0.98 m, space for 2 lane lines with a length of 25 m each of the usual lane lines with floats












51 vuotta, 10 kuukautta ja 23 päivää.